
2025 Lineup

Aerik Arkadian. Through the Looking Glass: Scrying and the Dark Mirror. The dark mirror is a gateway to all things unseen! Come and delve into the art of scrying. We will discuss multiple methods as well as the construction and usage of the witch’s magick mirror. Whether you are new to this art or looking to deepen your practice, this class will offer a unique opportunity to connect with the unseen and unlock the secrets of the dark mirror. Aerik Arkadian is a 3rd Degree Gardnerian High Priest, aborisha, musician, and witch. He runs a coven and an active prison ministry with his wife, Selene. Aerik is passionate about the power of music, occult teachings, and spirituality. He hates olives, but puts pineapple on pizza. You can find him online at or on YouTube at his “Music, Myth, and Magick” channel.

Aerik & Selene, Trish & Eric. Pagan Prison Ministry and Volunteerism PanelIn this interactive panel, join four members of the community with years of experience in prison ministry as we explore the vital work of pagan prison ministry and how volunteers can make a meaningful difference in the lives of incarcerated Wiccan practitioners. Drawing from personal experience, we will discuss the unique spiritual needs of Wiccan inmates, challenges they face in a prison setting, and practical ways to support them. Topics include offering spiritual guidance, facilitating ritual and education, and advocating for religious freedom within correctional systems.  If you’ve ever been curious about how you can help, this session will provide insights on how to start your own volunteering journey and tips on how to empower incarcerated Wiccans on their spiritual path.

Bobbie Roberts.  I Am Maiden, Mother, Crone: Watch Me Soar. Every aspect of the Goddess as Maiden, Mother and Crone is important with their own unique potential for growth. This class will focus on the Crone, however our Maiden and Mother energies guide us to the Crone whose energy is soooo freeing. Who is a crone and what is a crone? To quote Jean Bolen in Crones Don’t Whine, “To aspire to be a Crone is to want the psychological and spiritual growth that she symbolizes. The Crone is an archetype of an inner potential that we grow into becoming” This class is about women’s energy and will be an open forum to share our thoughts.  It will also hopefully be an empowering celebration. Bobbie has been an intuitive,numerologist, ritualist and minister for over 50 years. She trained as a ceremonial magician in the early 1970’s and was ordained in the Spiritualist church in 1972.   Today Bobbie is a down to earth practical Witch who enjoys retirement by creating gardens and growing native plants. Bobbie can also be found wandering around Fairy Dust, a Metaphysical store in Belleview, Florida, where she teaches classes, numerology charts and readings by appointment.

Bruce Coral Harrington. An Introduction to Faery Seership. Seership is a holistic, co-creative and integrative path with a set of beliefs, practices, restrictions, etc.. that seek to address the Illusion of Isolation, which is the core human pain, in order to help us re-member the original vision of the Earth. In addition to exploring some of these key concepts, we will learn several breathing exercises and alignment visualizations that seek to attune our bodies and our spirit with the Seership concept of the Three Worlds. We will wrap it up with a short simple visualization to connect to the Genus Loci, the living spirit of the land.  Bruce “Coral” Harrington (he/him, they/them) is a Queer Witch living in Quincy, Florida with their husband and three black cats. A practicing Pagan for nearly 40 years, in 1991 they co-founded Spiraling Heart, an eclectic feminist Coven of Witches that still exists today.

Byron Ballard. Ancient Skills for Modern Times. As culture shifts around us, we can find agency and comfort in returning to some of the skills that made our Ancestors successful. From the hearth-tending of food growing, preparing and preservation to herbal medicine to political action and systems analysis, this class can give you ideas for a resourceful future. Join the roundtable discussion of what you can do locally to rebuild ancient skills while Byron weaves a web of deep significance to such work.

Byron Ballard. A Great and Subtle Weaving: How We Change the World Ritual. Those aware of the profound changes the Earth and its inhabitants are undergoing are stretching the concept of “who belongs” and “what is Tribe.” Returning to ancient concepts of mutual aid societies and sustainable agricultural practices are two ways to create the circles on the ground that will ease our human transition to stronger resilience in the face of cultural collapse. As we redefine leadership and weave new containers, where do we go for inspiration, for solace, for delight?

Ceil Thomas. Understanding and Practicing the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (LBR) and Middle Pillar Exercise. The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram is one of the prime rituals of Western Magick and has been with us since the early days of the Golden Dawn in the nineteenth century. It has also penetrated into many Golden Dawn spinoffs, including Neo-Paganism. Everyone has a slightly different version but they all strive to reach the same goal. The LBR is a powerful and simple way to connect to our higher-self and bring protection into our space (our personal temple). During the Middle Pillar colors are visualized and through vibration certain God names are activated. This practice connects us to the Divine, clears and recharges our personal energy field, and brings us peace and balance. We will learn about the mechanics and vocalization and end this workshop with everyone joining together to perform the LBR and Middle Pillar. Ceil Thomas was introduced to Wicca in the early 80’s and in 1985 the door opened to the Golden Dawn, a system that gave her answers and questions at the same time. The rituals and practices of the Golden Dawn that gave Ceil the self-awareness of what she was capable of achieving during this lifetime.

David & Cat Doersch. Walk through Wheel of the Year. A discussion/open forum for ideas and arts/crafts that can help us keep the spirit of festival with us year round. It is all too easy to fall back into the habits of the mundane world, while with just a little planning, we can truly make each holiday magical. Come with ideas and a playful spirit.

David Shi. Land Spirits: Who are They, and What Role Can They Play in your Spiritual/Magical Practice?   As long as we are physical beings living on Earth, we are surrounded by land spirits.  Almost all Indigenous cultures acknowledge the existence of land spirits and have different levels of working with them.  When offended they can become the source of great wrath and tragedy, but when honored they can bring about great blessings and fortune.  For those that work with gods and otherworldly spirits, cultivating a strong relationship with land spirits can greatly enhance those practices.  This class will help you understand who the land spirits are, and how you can work with them in your own practice.  David will be teaching about land spirits from the North Asian shamanic context, but hopes you will find these teachings to allow for a deeper understanding that will enhance your practice.

David Shi. Spirit Voices: The Mysteries and Magic of Shamanism. What is shamanism? Where is it from? What are the requirements to become one? Anthropologists tell us that the word “shaman” derives from the Tungus language and traditions, but few people understand the full scope of what that means. In this class, we will explore the history and practice of shamanism. We will walk through the landscapes of North Asia—the region known as the “Cradle of Shamanism”—and the largely hidden and unfamiliar traditions of Turkic, Mongolic, and Tungusic shamanism, exploring the subtle and unique aspects of each tradition. This is a comprehensive class that will explore Indigenous spiritual and shamanic traditions and beliefs of the Turkic, Mongol, and Tungus peoples, the broad cosmology and mythology of these shamanic cultures, shamanic tools used by these cultures, and practical concepts and methods that can enhance your own practice.  This class draws David’s new book “Spirit Voices: The Mysteries and Magic of North Asian Traditions”.

Emily Gunther. The Sekhmet Experience Ritual.  Experience the majesty, power and healing of the Ancient Egyptian goddess Sekhmet in this meditative ritual. Rev. Emily, a devotee of Sekhmet, will lead us in an Ancient Egyptian style ritual that honors the lioness goddess of Egypt. You will have the opportunity to experience Sekhmet's power first hand in this ritual through a chance to meet Sekhmet and learn more about Her and how She can help you in your daily life. Rev. Emily Guenther is a co-founder and High Priestess of The Fellowship of Avalon - ATC in Memphis, TN. Learn more about her at

Jamie Della.  The Cosmic Family of Constellations.  How do the five constellations that circumnavigate Polaris, our North Star influence our lives? These constellations (Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Draco, Cassiopeia, and Cepheus) represent five universally known archetypes of the Mother, Child, Dragon, Queen, and King. Our first relationship is with our Mother. The Dragon can symbolize power and luck or shadow work and protects our Inner Child. The Divine Female and Divine Male are in a constant state of flux as we evolve to find new pathways to harmonize. This workshop will discuss the mythology of these archetypes, with a fun quiz to determine which constellation guides your life.

Jamie Della. Healing The Mother Wound Healing the Mother Wound is a workshop that addresses the many ways that spiritual pain can arise. The focus will be placed on altering your perception so that you can move the needle on the deeply held associations with the Mother Wound. It will include an Inner Child meditation, lunations for transforming pain carried through your matriarchal line, the “Bury the Hatchet” ritual Jamie created with her mother for her recent book, A Box of Magick, and how the lessons from the Four of Cups can help you on this healing journey.

Josh Yates. A Walk Through the Seven Principles of Consciousness with TarotThis workshop will present a practical approach of how the Principles can be understood through Qabalah and Tarot which can be a path to expansion for our consciousness. This workshop will provide a basic understanding of how we can use universal symbols embedded in Tarot to create clear channels to our subconsciousness. This work ultimately creates potential for us to obtain mastery and liberation from limited thoughts that we have created from past experiences.  All participants in this workshop will receive a free 20 page booklet that will assist in the practical approach of understanding the principles of consciousness through Tarot. Josh is a Mystical Qabalist who has explored the Mysteries of Ageless Wisdom in various degrees that utilize the spiritual tools of Astrology, Tarot, Tree of Life, and Ancient Symbolism. He has fine tuned his wide esoteric exploration of Occultism to the idea that in order to obtain a high degree of liberation, the Principles of Consciousness should be approached and understood with clarity.. For more information about Josh or to watch his lectures, visit his website:

Leni Hester. Three Waters:  the Sacred Cycles of Water with Yemaya, Ochun, and Oya. “No one is an enemy to Water.”Water is a sacred foundation of the material and spiritual world, in Yoruba cosmology, and these 3 feminine Orisas—Yemaya of the Ocean, Ochun of Fresh Water, and Oya of the Storm—are all associated with the living waters of our planet.  How this ashe expresses itself in ceremony and daily life, and how the blessings of these powerful spirits are carried via water, is what we will explore in this joyous workshop.  Open to all ages. Leni Hester is an Olosha, Palera and Witch residing in Colorado.  Her written work appears in various anthologies from Neos Alexandria, as well as Sagewoman and Witches and Pagans magazines.

Opal Luna. Knot Magick for Earth Healing: Magick on a Shoestring. Explore the basics of Knot Magick to promote healing for yourself and others, raise powerful energy, or dispel negativity. Knot Magick is the ultimate convenience that can embellish any magickal practice. "Set and Forget" any spell without any fancy components. All you need is a cord and your Intention. Join us to participate in workings that strengthen our community and protect our state and national parks. Opal Luna is a Crone, a Priestess of Minerva, and a Fiber Magickian serving the South Florida Pagan community as a board member of The Grove SFL. She is the author of Fiber Magick: A Witch's Guide to Spellcasting Using Crochet, Knotwork, and Weaving (Llewellyn 2021). Currently, she is writing a follow up book titled Fiber Magick in the Garden.

Oracle Hekataois and Community.  Queer Rites of Passage.  Queer Rites of Passage will begin with a brief discussion that is open to all who are interested but our main focus will be a closed ritual that is for LGBTQIA+ people who desire to experience sacred transformation. This Rite will be led by Oracle Hekataios and other LGBTQIA+ community facilitators. Youth over the age of 13 are allowed with parental consent, and we encourage parents to be present for this auspicious occasion. The closed ritual is geared towards those of the LGBTQIA+ community, especially those who are  transgender and/or non-binary. It is the goal of the facilitators to create a Queer Sacred Space. Unless you are a parent, we ask that only those who are part of the community stay for the ritual experience. Spectators are not allowed. We look forward to seeing everyone for our introductory remarks, after which anyone who is not self-identified as LGBTQ+ will be asked to excuse themselves for the joyous ritual occasion.

Priestess Shaylee AyeleHekate Kathairo Hydōr - Hekate of the Clean Waters Devotional. Hekate Einalia “of the sea” is a fierce goddess that rules the waters of the oceans, but as pollution has settled into our lakes, rivers, and seas, I have seen the need for us to come together and commit ourselves to cleansing Her waters. In the last several years I have felt the call to honor Hekate’s water aspects in all Her many forms. This weekend will explore a new form as well as all Her better known expressions. Join us in this devotional as we embark on a journey to honor this new epithet and pledge ourselves to help clean Her waters. Priestess Shaylee Ayele has been a practicing eclectic witch for over 20 years. A member of Beachfyre Coven, she has been the First Officer of Everglades Moon Local Council, the local Florida chapter of Covenant of the Goddess. She is also a 2nd-degree Georgian, a Faery Seership Apprentice, and a Priestess of the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple. She is a guidance reader who works with multiple modalities including tarot and bones and has written and led rituals, meditations, and workshops at festivals and metaphysical stores. Shaylee can be found on Instagram or Facebook @wytchyreader or at

Rev. Rae Moonwind. Spiritual Hygiene and Alignment.  We live in a highly toxic world that pulls us off center constantly. Yes, we know better, but it is hard to maintain constant vigilance. What are some of the best ways to keep our practices simple and keep ourselves aligned in order to experience the highest levels of balance and peace possible in an off balance world? Let’s talk about fine tuning our awareness and putting into place a system that allows us the safety net we need. It really may be as simple as being aware of the smallest everyday things and how they impact our well being. Join Rae for a deep dive into your own very personal daily or hourly way of thinking and living, so you can get it vibrationally stable to the point of being unshakable!  Rev. Rae Moonwind is a Psychic Medium, Intuitive Healer, Past Life Regression Practitioner, and Reiki Master Teacher. She channels the Masters as a collective, sharing their messages with those who attend her lectures, as well as with clients who come to her for individual sessions. Rae works with adults, children, and animals. Her interests as a healer include supporting and empowering women, as well as helping people develop appropriate coping skills which will enable them to be successful in all areas of their lives.

Yeshe Matthews.  Gods, Ghosts, Guardians, & Guides.  The unseen world that exists in and around the world of phenomena is populated by countless classes of beings whose presence and influence impact our lives and our magic. Not all spirits are the same, and learning to navigate within the layers and webs of our invisible reality is an essential skill for witches, spirit workers, and devotees of the gods. In this workshop, we will examine several different types of spirits who partner with us in our lives and sacred work. Topics in this workshop will include observing and making sense of the signs that you are shown to help you, working with various classes of beings according to your and their traditions, discerning true spirit activity from figments of imagination or wishful thinking, setting parameters of reliability for your personal gnosis, gauging the trustworthiness of beings in dreams and visions, and inviting and sustaining a personal spiritual court with reverence and consistency.  Bring your ghost stories, tales of the inexplicable, and memories of the signs that have impacted your practice for discussion during this workshop as we traverse the realms of perception.

Yeshe Matthews.  Sitting With the Dead. Our ancestors can be powerful allies, complicated conundrums, and a wellspring of wisdom in our lives. Some feel close to their beloved dead, others might wish they could get as far away from their families as possible. Working through the layers of feeling around kinship in this world and the other world is a powerful magical process that can bring healing, wholeness, restoration, regulation of imbalances, and a renewed sense of purpose. In this workshop we will cover the importance of working with our ancestors using divination to receive their messages including mediumship and automatic writing.  We will also discuss veneration of blood and affinity ancestors, rituals for healing the past, and creating magical family traditions.  Whether you have a strong relationship with your kin or a challenging one, this workshop will offer practical techniques for working with the dead and creating compassion, empowerment, and legacy alignment.